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2014 NARC Callbacks

WELCOME to the Official Blog of the 2014 National Amateur, June 15-21 held this year in Roseburg, Oregon. This year's Blog is brought to you by the Retriever News and sponsored by Purina, Avery, Ainley, Rammin' Retrievers, Mountaintop Custom Kennels and YBS Media. We hope you enjoy these multi-daily updates and please come back often!

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The Retriever News team consists of Tina Styan, Gwen Jones and Tera Lanczak. Please don't hesitate to share any items of interest or photos that you think the retriever community might be interested in. Send submissions to Tina Styan at:
tstyan@theretrievernews.com Subject Line: 2014 NARC Blog. Thanks in advance and enjoy the coverage...

2014 NARC Test Descriptions

Tests 1 & 2

Test 3

Test 4

Test 5

Test 6

Test 7

Test 8

Test 9

Test 10

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Done For The Day

Due to No Bird #57 will start the test at 7:00 am

Test Dog at 6:30 am


58. FC-AFC Lil Chin Music (Lil), LF, Charlene Koeth

LF: pinned it

RR: went a bit wide L and then straight to the bird

RF: got to the area made a big loop L away from the bird then came back and got it

LR: went very deep R and hunt back to the bird.


No Bird 57. AFC Brookdale Ebonstar Spice (Curry), LF, Judy Powers

RF: no bird


52. FC-AFC Tucquan’s Ode To Sweetness JH (Payton), LM, Samantha Thompson

LF: great mark

RF: sent for RR and missed it drove up the hill and got the RF.

RR: nice mark

LR: went to the holding blind hunted a bit deep before getting the bird.


Handled 51. FC Shooter’s Super Chief (Buddy), LM, Anne Marshall

LF: good mark

RF: sent for RR and missed it wide R, got deep and circled into the RF and retrieved it

RR: headed back to RF and was Handled to the bird

LR: went to holding blind and turned to get the bird


50. FC-AFC Candlewoods Life Is A Highway (Freeway), LM, John Stracka

LF: nailed it

RF: came in on L side of the hill made a quick loo[ L onto a flat area then made it over to the bird

RR: smacked it

LR: out to holding blind and kept driving deep, turned and hunted back to the bird.


49. FC-AFC Lubys And Whitewaters Pirate’s Jewel (Jewel), LF, Jeff Schuett

LF: nice mark

RF: 1 loop to the left then over the hill and back to the bird

RR: went wide R to fence, deep loop back to fence then hunted down to the bird.

LR: good mark


48. Wetlands Maggie P.I. (Agge), LF, T J Lindbloom

LF: good mark

RF: got to the hillside made a quick turn to the bird

LR: hunted a loop R then over to the bird

RR: smacked it


45. FC-AFC Tequilla’s Hot Tamale (Mollie), LF, Mark Medford

LF: pinned it

RF: made 2 loop L then over to the bird

RR: got to the area put down nose and got it

LR: nice mark


47. FC-AFC Valtor’s Hayseed Kid (Kid), LM, Breck Howard

LF: stepped on it

RR: front footed it

RF:pinned it

LR: traveled under the arch hunted deep and L then got the bird.


43. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm (Cane), LM, John Thomas

LF: great mark

RR: straight to the bird

RF: made 1 loop short of bird then got the bird

LR: weaved his way thru the bales and went directly to the bird


ReRun Handle 33. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Eye On The Ball (Slider), LM, Lauren Hays

LF: nice mark

RR: drove up hill on R of guns and retrieved the RF. over the hill to the bird

RR: traveled toward the area and was headed back to RF and was handled to the bird

LR: good mark.


42. FC-AFC Robbers’ Stray Bullet (Bullet), LM, Dan Hurst

LF: smacked it

RR: straight to the bird.

RF: hunted deep and L of area then came back to get the bird

LR: nice mark


41. FC-AFC Candlewood Goldendaze Maggie (Maggie), LF, Chuck Schweikert

LF: good mark

RF: out to guns, hunted hillside area and came up with the bird quick

RR: went wide R to fence got way deep and hunted back to the bird.

LR: out to holding blind then worked over to the bird.



21 dogs have run test

8 Handles

1 Pick up


Handle 38. FC-AFC Gunstock’s Topshelf Snap Decision (Snapper), LM, Charlie Hays

LF: good mark

RF: hunted wide L and deep with several passes back to gun, circled then, over to bird

RR: missed on the R, drove deep up to road then got deep of flyer guns and had to be Handled to the bird.

LR: stepped on it


37. AFC Fishhook Megan (Meg), LF, Eloy Garcia, Jr.

LF: nice mark

RR: wide R driving up hill, got deep but came down and got the bird

RF: traveled at the bird put up a hunt wide L before grabbing bird

LR: traveled middle of the field went over two bales, out to holding blind then over to the bird.


35. AFC Biggun’s Wild Rose Warrior MH (Rosie), LF, Alice Woodyard

LF: pinned it

RF: quick loop L on the way to the bird, retrieved it clean

RR: headed out to RF and was Handled to RR

LR: straight to the bird


No Bird 33. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Eye On The Ball (Slider), LM, Lauren Hays

RF: no bird


31. FC-AFC Ruff Rivers Oasis On The Plains (Colby), LF, N. P. Larson

LF: excellent mark

RR: went wide R up the hill circled down to get the bird

RF: hunted short and then worked way deep to get the bird

LR: nice mark


29. FC-AFC Hockley Creek’s Big Hitter (Manny), LM, Robby Bickley

LF: nice

RR: chaulk lined it

RF: out to top of hill over the hillside and reappeared quick with bird in mouth

LR: went under the arch, got deep and hunted his way back to the bird


Conditions Report

Wind has pick up and is switching from the North to Northeast. A gust of wind here and there at the right time is possible with these new conditions for Series 5


28. FC-AFC Dominator’s High Spade (Ace), LM, Mark Medford

LF: stomped it

RF: out to the area, made two big loops, then way L, out of sight, then came back in area and got it

RR: front footed it

LR: went to guns then over to the bird


27. FC-AFC Windy City’s Mighty Mouse (Mickey), LM, Charles Hines

LF: nice

RF: straight to the area over the hill and back with the bird

RR: went staight to the bird

LR: drilled it


Pick Up 26. AFC Cool Fuel (Nitro), LM, Chris Hatch

LF: nice

RR: stepped on it

RF: loop on our side of hill the over the hill to the bird

LR: took off wide L went out of sight, then came back over the hill, then began to away from area attempted Handle but then had to Pick Up dog. However, Nitro is still a winner in our hearts!


Handle 25. AFC Fargo’s Texas Lexus (Lexie), LF, Wayne Stupka

LF: good job

RF: nice mark

RR: handled to bird

LR: out to middle of field then big swing L to the bird


24. FC-AFC KPR’s Wet Willie (Willie), LM, Jim Pickering

LF: good job

RF: out to hillside, hunted the area before coming up with the bird

RR: ran out to bales, circled and got it

LR: out to the gun then over to the bird


23. AFC Spirit Of Denali-Genet (Genet), LF, Bill Barstow

LF: good

RF: big loop wide L, over hill to the bird

RR: direct line to bird

LR: out and got it with a good line


Handled 22. Stoned Blue (Stoney), LM, Mike Crow

LF: perfect

RF: out to hillside, over top and quickly returned with bird

RR: Handled

LR: came in R but then turned L and over to bird


Handled 21. FC-AFC Un Petit Peu Canaille (Canaille), LF, Lee Jolley

LF: pounded it

RF: went for RR and passed it, went way R drove up hill to get the Flyer.

RR: straight to the area, had small hunt to get it

LR: up center of field



Judges are going to run until dog #61

We will begin tomorrow morning with Test Dog at 6:30 am and competing dog at 7:00am

We will start with dog #62


Re-Run Handle 12. FC-AFC Candlewood’s Skyrocket (Sky), LF, Tommy Parrish

LF: perfect

RF: out to guns , hunted L then deep behind hill then came up with the bird

RR: deep R up to road , hunted back down to the bird

LR: jumped bale, traveled way R of guns and kept on running had to be Handled to bird


20. Parriette’s Abby Gale (Abby), LF, David Zalunardo

LF: straight to bird

RR: pinned it

RF: out toward guns made a loop, then circled top of hill and worked down to the bird

LR: nailed it


19. FC Mulligan Off The Rainy “T” (Mully), LM, Randy Spangler

LF: grabbed it qucik

RF: covered quite a bit of ground and then got it.

RR: went wide R deep looped into the bird

LR: nice mark.


17. FC Dottie Ray’s League Of Her Own (Dottie), LF, Andrew Kahn


LR: out to the area and drilled it

RF: up to guns, behind, went way L then behind slope to get the bird.

RR: straight to the bird. Great job!


16. AFC Marshwind’s Black Magik (Kate), LF, Marion Carey

LF: nice

RF: out to the area. Quickly got bird.

RR: smacked it.

LR: great mark!


Handled 15. Fireweed’s Poison Ivy (Ivy), CF, Brett Crow

LF: good mark

RF: straight to the area then several circles to get bird

RR: went deep  & kept going had to Handle to bird

LR: went to area then wide R then over to the bird.


No-Bird 12. FC-AFC Candlewood’s Skyrocket (Sky), LF, Tommy Parrish


RF: no bird


11. FC-AFC Coolwater’s Knockout (Punch), LM, Alexandra Washburn

came to line at 3:43 pm

LF: nice

RR: perfect line to bale then to bird.

RF: huge long bird 3 loops then got deep enough to find it, nice mark.

LR: out to area between guns and birds, turned left and got it! Excellent job!


Handle 8. The Sunday Swimmer (Wyatt), GM, Jeffrey Bandel

LF: clean

RF: out to guns, out to L, back in then out to the bird

LR: traveled toward RF cut across field to hunt area of LR and got the bird.

RR: going back to RF . Handled


Series 5 Land Quad with an Honor

We are in the same field as the Water Blind. However, we have moved the line up to the road and about 150 yds to the Northwest. The mat is facing Southwest over-looking a field of heavily sprinkled large square hay bales. It is hard to find a straight path among all of the bales. The terrain is a gentle roll of yellow and bright green grasses ranging from light to medium cover. The sky is overcast with a temperature that has warmed to a humid 65'F. There is a light breeze out of the North that will not help scent these pheasants.

The first bird to be shot for this land quad is the long flyer (RF) on the right of the test. This bird is being shot to the left and is a hen pheasant measuring at 215 yds. The next bird (LR) to go off is to the left and throwing a dead hen pheasant to the left measuring at 233 yds. This gun will retire in a stack of tall hay bales. The third bird to be thrown is a swing to the right and is measuring at 145 yds (RR). This gun is throwing a dead hen pheasant hard angle back to the left. This bird lands right up against a hay bale. The final bird (RF) is a drake mallard being shot to the right measuring at 93 yds.

view from the mat

This is the original marshal's sketch. All birds are hens with a duck flyer they have also tightened up the two right-hand marks

contributed from the gallery


Discussion Is Always Good

Our Judges are discussing changes they are wanting to make from their original set-up sketches.

L To R John Pampy, Dennis Bath, Stevie O'Connell
Picture by Ken Neil


Callbacks to the 5th Series Land Quad


# 75 Dogs back to the 5th




Starting with dog #8

17 Dogs Dropped 

#7, 10,13,32,34,39,40,44,54,55,56,67,70,89,90,92,97, dropped 


83. FC-AFC Hilltop’s High Society (Gracie), LF, Sylvia McClure

3 to bale 2 near guns carried into the water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


82. FC-AFC Hardscrabbles Powder My Buns (Pow), LM, Benjy Griffith

3 to bale 5 near guns got out of water early 4 whistles to get to point on/off carried to the bird


81. FC-AFC Wolf Creek CR Skeeter (Skeeter), LM, Robby Bickley

2 bales 3 near guns 4 in water 3 on/off point carried to the bird


80. FC-AFC Fresh Squeezed Juice (Juice), LM, Mark Medford

2 to bale 2 near guns 4 in water 1 on/off point 2 to bird


79. CAFC Jazztime Bluegoose’s Ruger (Ruger), LM, Anna Calvert

3 to bale carried to guns and into water , 1 in water 1 on/off point carried to the bird


78. FC-AFC Tealcreek Patton’s Saber (Saber), LM, Chris Hatch

2 to bale 2 near guns 4 in water 1 on/off point carried to the bird


76. FC-AFC Bluenorth’s Rock Hard Ten MH (Ten), LM, Barb Radtke

2 to bale 2 near gun 1 in water 1 on/of point 1 to bird


75. FC-AFC Candlewood Goldendaze Louie (Louie), LM, Chuck Schweikert

1 to bale 2 near gun 1 in water carried all the way to the bird


74. McKinley First Ascender-Hudson (Hudson), LM, Bill Barstow

1 to bale 2 near guns carried into water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


73. FC-AFC Ace On The River III (Ace), LM, Peter Ketola

1 to bale 2 near guns carried into water to point 1 on/off point 1 to bird


72. Merry Christmas VII (Missy), LF, Steve Graafstra

2 to bales 1 near guns 3 in water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


71. FC-AFC Watermark’s BB Standing Ovation (Bravo), LM, Bob Hanssen

3 to bale 1 near gun 3 in water 1 on/off point carried to bird


70. FC-AFC Tiger Mountain’s Hokulele (Hoke), LM, Don Bovers

lined to bales 4 near guns 1 on water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


69. FC-AFC Nebo’s Grandma Ruby (Ruby), LF, Al Wilson

3 to bales 4 near gun 3 in water 1 on/off point carried to bird


68. NAFC-FC Dottie Ray’s Ivy League (Ivy), LF, Andrew Kahn

lined to guns 4 near guns 1 in water 2 on/off point 1 to bird


67. AFC Midnight Shooter III (Shooter), LM, Pat Nicholls

lined to the bale 7 near the guns ran bank all the way to bird


65. Holland Cliffs Tropical Storm (Joe), LM, Alvin Hatcher

1 to bales 5 near guns 3 in water 2 on/off point 1 to bird


64. FC Ebb Tide’s Ode To Irish Soul (Otis), LM, Kirk Lillebo

lined to bales 2 near gun 4 in water 1 on/off point 2 to blind


63. See Jane Run For Blue (Jane), LF, Tommy Parrish

a beautiful 2 whistle blind


62. FC-AFC Seaside’s Kingfish (King), LM, Mark Medford

lined to bales 3 near guns 2 in water 2 on/off point 1 to the bird


61. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Upon The Wings Of An Answered Prayer (Ammo), LF, William Petrovish

2 to bales 1 near gun 1 in water 2 on/off point carried to the bird


60. FC-AFC Tru’s Little Cruiser (Cruise), LM, Paula Elmes

2 bales lined past guns into water 2 in water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


59. AFC Good Idea’s Second Wind (Vapor), LF, Ken Neil

3 to bale 3 near guns 2 in water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


58. FC-AFC Lil Chin Music (Lil), LF, Charlene Koeth

lined to bale 2 near guns 1 in water 1 on/off point carried to bird


57. AFC Brookdale Ebonstar Spice (Curry), LF, Judy Powers

2 to bale 2 near guns 1 in water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


56. FC-AFC Rebel Ridge Cosmic Rise ‘N Fall (Tide), LM, Lyn Yelton

3 to bale several whistles near the guns several in the water and a few more to the bird


55. FC-AFC Citori’s No Holds Barred (Free), LF, Michael Moore

1 to bales 2 to guns got out early ran to the point got back in and swam to the bird


54. Stoney Knolls Outlaw (Josie), LF, George Francis

6 to bale several near guns and in water 1 on/.off point carried to bird


52. FC-AFC Tucquan’s Ode To Sweetness JH (Payton), LM,

4 to bale 3 to guns 1 in water 2 on/off point 1 to bird


51. FC Shooter’s Super Chief (Buddy), LM, Anne Marshall

3 to bale 2 to guns several in water, 1 on/off point carried to bird


50. FC-AFC Candlewoods Life Is A Highway (Freeway), LM, John Stracka

lined to guns need 1 to get in water 2 in water 2 on/off point carried to bird


49. FC-AFC Lubys And Whitewaters Pirate’s Jewel (Jewel), LF, Jeff Schuett

1 to bale 1 to guns 2 in water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


48. Wetlands Maggie P.I. (Agge), LF, T J Lindbloom

lined to bales 3 at guns 4 in water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


47. FC-AFC Valtor’s Hayseed Kid (Kid), LM, Breck Howard

3 to bales 4 near guns and carried it all the way to the bird.


45. FC-AFC Tequilla’s Hot Tamale (Mollie), LF, Mark Medford

lined to the bales 1 at gunss 3 in water 1 on/off point 2 to bird


44. FC-AFC The Bear XVII (Yogi), LM, Louie Churack

lined to the bales 5 to guns many whistles to get in water and stay in 1 on/off point carried to the bird


43. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm (Cane), LM, John Thomas

2 to the bales 3 to guns 1 in water 2 on/off point 1 to bird


Our Youngest Spectators …

Geneva (L) and Rosalee (R), grandchildren of the landowners, are enjoying the great outdoors, watching these big puppy dogs … SWEET AS CAN BE!


42. FC-AFC Robbers’ Stray Bullet (Bullet), LM, Dan Hurst

2 to bale 1 to gun 1 in water 2 on/off point carried all the way to the bird


41. FC-AFC Candlewood Goldendaze Maggie (Maggie), LF, Chuck Schweikert

3 to the bales 3 to guns 6 to get in water got out early ran to the point got in and swam to the bird


40. FC-AFC Calculated Risk (Chance), LM, Bruce Hall

2 to bales 3 to guns got out early and ran land all the way to the bird


39. Barton Creeks Sharp Shooter (Blaser), LM, Tom Barrale

2 to bale 2 to guns carried into the water got out early ran to the point jumped back into the water swam to the bird.


38. FC-AFC Gunstock’s Topshelf Snap Decision (Snapper), LM, Charlie Hays

1 to bales carried to guns and into the water 3 in water 1 on/off point carried to the bird


37. AFC Fishhook Megan (Meg), LF, Eloy Garcia, Jr.

2 to bales 2 to guns 5 in water 1 on/off point 3 to bird


35. AFC Biggun’s Wild Rose Warrior MH (Rosie), LF, Alice Woodyard

2 to bales 6 toguns 2 in the water 2 on/off the point 2 to bird


34. FC-AFC Pinehurst’s All That Jazz (Jazz), LF, Laura Parrott

3 to bales 2 to guns 1 in water 3 on/off point 1 to bird


33. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Eye On The Ball (Slider), LM, Lauren Hays

2 to bales 1 to gun 1 in water 1 on/off point carried to bird


32. Kickapoo’s Black Gold (Isaac), LM, Michael Enmon

4 to bales 7 at guns 7 in water 1 on/off point 1 to bird


31. FC-AFC Ruff Rivers Oasis On The Plains (Colby), LF, N. P. Larson

lined to bales 2 to guns carried in water to the guns got out fat on point 1 off 2 to bird


2014 NARC Catalog

2014 NARC
Running Order

1. Blackwater Chesbay Tanner (Tanner), CM, Tim Carrion
2. Joy Comes With The Morning (Joy), LF, Bobby Smith
3. FC Topbrass No Time To Paws SH (Flash), GM, Kaye Fuller
4. FC-AFC Oakdale Whitewater Devil Dog (Bam), LF, Sarah Love
5. AFC Shadowpines Chabasco (Storm), LM, Bob Byrum
6. FC-AFC Landover Goldendaze Yukon (Yukon), LM, Chuck Schweikert
7. FC-AFC Bob And Ed’s Excellent Adventure (Chef), LM, Ed Krueger
8. The Sunday Swimmer (Wyatt), GM, Jeffrey Bandel
9. FC-AFC Yakity’s Shake Rattle ‘N’ Roll (Comet), CF, Linda Harger
10. FC-AFC Hoot N Holler (Hoot), LM, Mark Medford
11. FC-AFC Coolwater’s Knockout (Punch), LM, Alexandra Washburn
12. FC-AFC Candlewood’s Skyrocket (Sky), LF, Tommy Parrish
13. FC-AFC Andi’s Black Magic (Andi), LF, Don Grenseman
14. FC-AFC Lake Countrys Cold Cash (Cash), LM, Alvin Hatcher
15. Fireweed’s Poison Ivy (Ivy), CF, Brett Crow
16. AFC Marshwind’s Black Magik (Kate), LF, Marion Carey
17. FC Dottie Ray’s League Of Her Own (Dottie), LF, Andrew Kahn
18. AFC Rockliffs Justdoit (Nike), LM, Paul Foster
19. FC Mulligan Off The Rainy “T” (Mully), LM, Randy Spangler
20. Parriette’s Abby Gale (Abby), LF, David Zalunardo
21. FC-AFC Un Petit Peu Canaille (Canaille), LF, Lee Jolley
22. Stoned Blue (Stoney), LM, Mike Crow
23. AFC Spirit Of Denali-Genet (Genet), LF, Bill Barstow
24. FC-AFC KPR’s Wet Willie (Willie), LM, Jim Pickering
25. AFC Fargo’s Texas Lexus (Lexie), LF, Wayne Stupka
26. AFC Cool Fuel (Nitro), LM, Chris Hatch
27. FC-AFC Windy City’s Mighty Mouse (Mickey), LM, Charles Hines
28. FC-AFC Dominator’s High Spade (Ace), LM, Mark Medford
29. FC-AFC Hockley Creek’s Big Hitter (Manny), LM, Robby Bickley
30. Atta Boy Blue (Blue), LM, Loren Morehouse
31. FC-AFC Ruff Rivers Oasis On The Plains (Colby), LF, N. P. Larson
32. Kickapoo’s Black Gold (Isaac), LM, Michael Enmon
33. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Eye On The Ball (Slider), LM, Lauren Hays
34. FC-AFC Pinehurst’s All That Jazz (Jazz), LF, Laura Parrott
35. AFC Biggun’s Wild Rose Warrior MH (Rosie), LF, Alice Woodyard
36. AFC RMR’s I Have A Dream (Marti), LF, Joel Harris
37. AFC Fishhook Megan (Meg), LF, Eloy Garcia, Jr.
38. FC-AFC Gunstock’s Topshelf Snap Decision (Snapper), LM, Charlie Hays
39. Barton Creeks Sharp Shooter (Blaser), LM, Tom Barrale
40. FC-AFC Calculated Risk (Chance), LM, Bruce Hall
41. FC-AFC Candlewood Goldendaze Maggie (Maggie), LF, Chuck Schweikert
42. FC-AFC Robbers’ Stray Bullet (Bullet), LM, Dan Hurst
43. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm (Cane), LM, John Thomas
44. FC-AFC The Bear XVII (Yogi), LM, Louie Churack
45. FC-AFC Tequilla’s Hot Tamale (Mollie), LF, Mark Medford
46. FC AFC Son Of A Preacher Man (Billy Ray), LM, Duncan Christie
47. FC-AFC Valtor’s Hayseed Kid (Kid), LM, Breck Howard
48. Wetlands Maggie P.I. (Agge), LF, T J Lindbloom
49. FC-AFC Lubys And Whitewaters Pirate’s Jewel (Jewel), LF, Jeff Schuett
50. FC-AFC Candlewoods Life Is A Highway (Freeway), LM, John Stracka
51. FC Shooter’s Super Chief (Buddy), LM, Anne Marshall
52. FC-AFC Tucquan’s Ode To Sweetness JH (Payton), LM, Samantha Thompson
53. AFC Flyway’s Long Tall Sally (Sally), LF, Don Graves
54. Stoney Knolls Outlaw (Josie), LF, George Francis
55. FC-AFC Citori’s No Holds Barred (Free), LF, Michael Moore
56. FC-AFC Rebel Ridge Cosmic Rise ‘N Fall (Tide), LM, Lyn Yelton
57. AFC Brookdale Ebonstar Spice (Curry), LF, Judy Powers
58. FC-AFC Lil Chin Music (Lil), LF, Charlene Koeth
59. AFC Good Idea’s Second Wind (Vapor), LF, Ken Neil
60. FC-AFC Tru’s Little Cruiser (Cruise), LM, Paula Elmes
61. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Upon The Wings Of An Answered Prayer (Ammo), LF, William Petrovish
62. FC-AFC Seaside’s Kingfish (King), LM, Mark Medford
63. See Jane Run For Blue (Jane), LF, Tommy Parrish
64. FC Ebb Tide’s Ode To Irish Soul (Otis), LM, Kirk Lillebo
65. AFC Holland Cliffs Tropical Storm (Joe), LM, Alvin Hatcher
66. FC-AFC Suncrest Quinoa (Keno), LM, Arnold Erwin
67. AFC Midnight Shooter III (Shooter), LM, Pat Nicholls
68. NAFC-FC Dottie Ray’s Ivy League (Ivy), LF, Andrew Kahn
69. FC-AFC Nebo’s Grandma Ruby (Ruby), LF, Al Wilson
70. FC-AFC Tiger Mountain’s Hokulele (Hoke), LM, Don Bovers
71. FC-AFC Watermark’s BB Standing Ovation (Bravo), LM, Bob Hanssen
72. Merry Christmas VII (Missy), LF, Steve Graafstra
73. FC-AFC Ace On The River III (Ace), LM, Peter Ketola
74. McKinley First Ascender-Hudson (Hudson), LM, Bill Barstow
75. FC-AFC Candlewood Goldendaze Louie (Louie), LM, Chuck Schweikert
76. FC-AFC Bluenorth’s Rock Hard Ten MH (Ten), LM, Barb Radtke
77. Nightwinds Desert Deacon MH (Mel), LM, Alan Madsen
78. FC-AFC Tealcreek Patton’s Saber (Saber), LM, Chris Hatch
79. CAFC Jazztime Bluegoose’s Ruger (Ruger), LM, Anna Calvert
80. FC-AFC Fresh Squeezed Juice (Juice), LM, Mark Medford
81. FC-AFC Wolf Creek CR Skeeter (Skeeter), LM, Robby Bickley
82. FC-AFC Hardscrabbles Powder My Buns (Pow), LM, Benjy Griffith
83. FC-AFC Hilltop’s High Society (Gracie), LF, Sylvia McClure
84. FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble (Ali), LM, Bobby Lane
85. FC-AFC B Bumble (Stinger), LM, Fred Kampo
86. FC-AFC Great Bunns Of Fire (Jerry Lee), LF, Lynne DuBose
87. Lucyana’s Go Fargo (GoFar), LM, Laura Parrott
88. FC-AFC Aksarben’s Black Skyy (Skyy), LM, Alice Woodyard
89. FC-AFC Calumet’s Hot Texas Soup (Chili), LM, Mike Boley
90. FC-AFC Watermark’s Shadow Dancer (Dancer), LF, Yvonne Hayes
91. FC-AFC Go Margo (Margo), LF, Mel Milton
92. FC-AFC Keeno’s Gizmo (Gizmo), LM, Bruce Hall
93. FC-AFC Big Alfonse Capone Of Mo-Kan (Al), LM, Bob Hayden
94. FC-AFC Pattons Blazen Abby MH (Abby), LF, Dan Hurst
95. Snake Charmer III (Deacon), LM, David Colwell
96. AFC World Famous Emasculator-Shemale (Nora), LF, Louie Churack
97. FC-AFC Trulines Walla Walla Sweet (Pink), LF, Mark Medford
98. FC-AFC Texas Troubador (Tubb), LM, Martha Russell
99. Creole’s Loup-Garou MH (Spook), LF, Ida Richards
100. FC-AFC Indian Height’s Get Away (George), LM, Carl Ruffalo
101. FC-AFC Trumarc’s Hollandaise (Holland), LM, Ed Aycock
102. FC-AFC Mercy Mercy Mercy Me (Mercy), LF, John Stracka
103. Elmingo’s Little Man (Zink), LM, Rett Sage
104. FC-AFC Punch Punch (Punch), LM, Chad O'Brien